Save No One

Album , CD / VINYL + MP3
Tal-068  — 2014

    « Save No One » est le premier album de The Callstore. Composé, enregistré et produit seul, avec au fil de ces longues heures quelques fines trouvailles de circonstance (une grande majorité des sections rythmiques ont été programmées sur une PlayStation), est un condensé, un fourmillant univers, un grand disque bancal et profond qui joue à l’équilibriste sur une corde tendue.

    • Grive
    • Tales of Uncertainty
    • Swell
    • 41 [30th anniversary reissue]
    • Maxwell Farrington & Le SuperHomard
    • Please, Wait...
    • The Apartments
    • apart
    • Feldup
    • Stared at from a Distance
    • Stéphane Milochevitch
    • La Bonne Aventure
    • Ralfe Band
    • Achilles Was a Hound Dog
    • Flotation Toy Warning
    • The Special Tape
    • Flotation Toy Warning
    • I Remember Trees
    • Nadine Khouri
    • Another Life
    • Maxwell Farrington & Le SuperHomard
    • I Had It All
    • Emily Jane White
    • Alluvion
    • L'Altra
    • In The Afternoon
    • Raoul Vignal
    • Years in Marble
    • Maxwell Farrington & Le SuperHomard
    • Once
    • The Apartments
    • A Life Full of Farewells
    • The Apartments
    • In and Out of the Light
    • FELDUP
    • A Thousand Doors, Just One Key
    • IDAHO
    • Levitate
    • Thousand
    • Au Paradis
    • Emily Jane White
    • Immanent Fire
    • Eko & Vinda Folio
    • Therapy
    • The Apartments
    • LIVE at L’Ubu
    • Eko & Vinda Folio
    • Shen Anateb
    • IDAHO
    • Hearts of Palm
    • Raoul Vignal
    • Oak Leaf
    • Rivulets
    • In Our Circle
    • Motorama
    • Many Nights
    • Utro
    • First Album
    • Laish
    • Time Elastic
    • Thousand
    • Le Tunnel Végétal
    • Utro
    • Third Album
    • R. Missing
    • Unsummering
    • Will Samson
    • Welcome Oxygen
    • Flotation Toy Warning
    • The Machine That Made Us
    • The Silver Veil
    • Compilation
    • Talitres Is 15
    • Laish
    • Pendulum Swing
    • Motorama
    • Dialogues
    • Motorama
    • Holy Day
    • Emily Jane White
    • They Moved in Shadow all Together
    • Utro - (Утро)
    • Razvaliny (Развалины)
    • Luxe
    • Utro - (Утро)
    • Solnze (Солнце)
    • Will Samson
    • Ground Luminosity
    • Thousand
    • s/t
    • Motorama
    • Poverty
    • Micah P. Hinson
    • Micah P. Hinson and the Gospel Of Progress
    • The Callstore
    • Save No One
    • Rachael Dadd
    • We Resonate
    • Will Stratton
    • Gray Lodge Wisdom
    • Motorama
    • She Is There
    • Micah P. Hinson
    • Micah P. Hinson and the Nothing
    • Motorama
    • Eyes
    • Emily Jane White
    • Blood / Lines
    • Motorama
    • Alps
    • The Apartments
    • Seven Songs
    • Garciaphone
    • Constancia
    • Stranded Horse
    • Transmission / A Faint Light
    • Tropical Popsicle
    • Dawn Of Delight
    • Motorama
    • Calendar
    • Rozi Plain
    • Joined Sometimes Unjoined
    • Will Stratton
    • Post Empire
    • Ewert And The Two Dragons
    • Good Man Down
    • Maison Neuve
    • Joan
    • Idaho
    • You Were A Dick
    • Flotation toy warning
    • When The Boat Comes Inside Your House
    • Stranded Horse
    • Humbling Tides
    • Rubik
    • Solar
    • That Summer
    • Near Miss
    • The Apartments
    • Drift
    • I Like Trains
    • He Who Saw The Deep
    • Emily Jane White
    • Ode To Sentience
    • Rubik
    • Dada Bandits
    • Verone
    • La Fiancée Du Crocodile
    • Le Loup
    • Family
    • Scary Mansion
    • Make Me Cry
    • Emily Jane White
    • Victorian America
    • Frànçois And The Atlas Mountains
    • Plaine Inondable
    • Be My Weapon
    • March/2009
    • Forest Fire
    • Survival
    • Scary Mansion
    • Every Joke Is Half The Truth
    • Thee, Stranded Horse & Ballaké Sissoko
    • Thee Stranded Horse And Ballaké Sissoko
    • The Organ
    • Thieves
    • Swell
    • The Lost Album
    • Ralfe Band
    • Attic Thieves
    • The Walkmen
    • You & Me
    • Swell
    • South Of The Rain And Snow
    • Emily Jane White
    • Dark Undercoat
    • The Sleeping Years
    • We’re Becoming Islands One By One
    • Idaho
    • The Forbidden EP -Alas
    • Le Loup
    • The Throne Of The Third Heaven Of The Nations’ Millennium General Assembly
    • The Wedding Present
    • Live 1987
    • Taxi Taxi !
    • Taxi Taxi !
    • Stars Like Fleas
    • The Ken Burns Effect
    • Kim Novak
    • Luck & Accident
    • Thee, Stranded Horse
    • Churning Strides
    • Ralfe Band
    • Swords
    • Redjetson
    • New General Catalogue
    • The Walkmen
    • A Hundred Miles Off
    • Tunng
    • Comments Of The Inner Chorus
    • I Like Trains
    • Progress • Reform
    • The Wedding Present
    • Search For Paradise
    • Double compilation
    • Talitres Is 5
    • Idaho
    • The Lone Gunman
    • The Organ
    • Grab That Gun
    • Piano Magic
    • Disaffected
    • The Wedding Present
    • Take Fountain
    • Early Day Miners
    • All Harm Ends Here
    • That Summer
    • Clear
    • Flotation Toy Warning
    • Bluffer’s Guide To The Flight Deck
    • Clogs
    • Lantern
    • Destroyer
    • Your Blues
    • The National
    • Cherry Tree
    • Tex La Homa
    • If Just Today Were To Be My Entire Life
    • The National
    • Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers
    • Temper
    • New Place, New Face
    • Destroyer
    • This Night
    • Calla
    • Televise
    • Dakota Suite
    • This River Only Brings Poison
    • The Walkmen
    • Everyone Who Pretended To Like Me Is Gone
    • Elk City
    • Hold Tight The Ropes
    • Destroyer
    • Streethawk : A Seduction
    • Brando
    • The Headless Horseman Is A Preacher
    • The Birdwatcher
    • The Darkest Hour Is Just Before Dawn
    • Elk City
    • Status